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Writing can be fun! :) Limericks!

Foto del escritor: Ms. Lucy CampbellMs. Lucy Campbell

Writing for amusement! Besides the writing you do in connection with your school activities, what other kinds of writing are you interested in? Or aren´t you interested in writing at all? If not, why not? Surely you do not think that writing is too much work, for nothing worth while is accomplished without work. Is it because you are not satisfied with the kind of writing you are able to do? Then practice is what you need. The greatest authors are seldom satisfied with their first attempts. But, by writing and rewriting , again and again, they are able to produce a work that is nearer their ideal.

Writing is genuine fun for many people, and it can be fun for you, too.


A limerick is a humorous five-line verse that has fixed rhyme and rhythm patterns. Read the following well known limericks:


There was a young lady of Lynn,

Who was so excessively thin

That when she essayed

To drink lemonade

She slipped through the straw and fell in.


A diner while dining at Crewe

Found quite a large mouse in his stew.

Said the waiter, " Don´t shout,

And wave it about,

Or the rest will be wanting one, too!"

What is the rhyme pattern of each of these limericks?

Tap out the rhythm of the lines.

All limericks follow this same pattern for rhyme and rhythm.

Note I absolutely recommend " Limericks" with your students, they adore to look for words that rhyme and enrich their vocabulary, plus they end up with such funny " Limericks".

Love and Light!

Lucy Campbell Díaz

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