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Small Talk :) on difficult times.

Foto del escritor: Ms. Lucy CampbellMs. Lucy Campbell

Hello guys! I hope to find you good and safe! Sorry, that it took me a little bit of time to write I was taking some courses on-line and translating some very interest books that you can check up in Campbell and Diaz Translations. Today, I will write about " What is " SMALL TALK" in English Language???

Small talk is a everyday social conversation. Sometimes people make small talks with strangers, for example, at a bus stop, at the supermarket, or at the doctor's office. Nowadays with the COVID19 social distancing applied is a necessary activity and this activity has been difficult in daily life, but this doesn't mean that we can't talk to people and help them with a direction or question, obviously social distancing and respect for the other is necessary. I recently took a plane to visit my Parents in my home town in Mexico and thanks to people that helped me, applying small talk and social distancing I didn't get lost in the Airport, and I met kind staff members and nice travelers, that gave me a hand.

Thanks!! I didn't lose my connections! And I exchanged a book with a kind lady on the plane :)

Sometimes people just don't want to talk or don't like to talk to strangers or maybe there are to afraid of contact, but you can feel it, when people are available to give you a hand, and want to have a conversation. " Small talk is very hard this days, but most of us need to work and have the need to talk to people, or simply help others, it's part of being social and human or just doing our job". Taking precautions and not going out very frequently is a good measure, we can still be social and helpful to others on-line, and applying precautions and wearing our masks and gloves.

Love and Light,

Lucy Campbell (CBT/Art/Yoga Kids Therapy)

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