Somewhat different from myths are the legends and hero tales about real or legendary people whose deeds have long been related. Some famous characters around whom many tales have arisen are Ulysses (Greece), King Arthur (England), Roland (France), and The Cid (Spain).
The following books offer interesting legends:
Sherwood, Merriam. The Tale of the Warrior Lord.
Riggs, Strafford. The Story of Beowulf.
Baldwin, James. The Story of Roland.
Colum, Padraic. The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy.
Laing, Mary E. The Hero of the Longhouse.
Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Legends that every child should know.
Pyle, Howard. The Merry Adventures
of Robin Hood.
Choose several of these books and read some legends about these characters. Plan your weekly class with several story hours. Kids from third grade and up adore legends. You might have a period devoted to stories of King Arthur, one to stories of Ulysses and so on.
You can also plan some imaginary drawings of the characters and try to research about the artifacts and clothing used in those times. You can also plan to create a cover from the legend book to develop some creative Artwork. Have fun!
Lucy Campbell Díaz
Light and Love!
Language Specialist/Literary Translator/ Art Therapist