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Foto del escritorMs. Lucy Campbell

"Fears" on children from six to eight :) normal manifestation.

Other manifestations that relate to paranoid anxiety that usually prevails are " Fears", these are expressed on children from six to eight. For example, it´s very common at this age the fear of monsters and thieves, of course,

it´s important to research more on what persecutory element that type of fear encloses. Sometimes, it´s difficult to make a difference what is the limit that we can consider as fear and phobia normal at this age or when something pathological. These manifestations in a future evolution are very come back mostly in the teenage years. It´s our job as parents to guide our children in a peaceful way, help them go through these fears. Melaine Klein tell us how the persecutory manifestations can condition the intellectual inhibition. There is a period of stability were the child starts to lose its fears as he starts to control his imaginary mind. Other authors have made lots of researches about it. One of the things that I recommend is not to categorize your child with questionings like, " I can't believe you are afraid of this?", " Don´t be a chicken?", or many others that can hurt the child's self-esteem and don´t help in any way. The process of facing fears in the real-world is totally normal, and as the child feels more secure and safe in his environment he will be able to explore with fewer fears. In conclusion, always talk to your child about his/her fears and you can appeal to excellent books that help explain similar situations, stories at bedtime to calm your child. I hope this small article was of some help. I remember when I was a little girl I was afraid of clowns, but that comes as a phobia and also I was afraid of burglars, nowadays I just take care of my self and security, that sense of fear disappeared as I grew older, only that clowns are not very pleasant to me still :) but that is a phobia, they don´t go away we control them. Have a great day!

Love and Light,

Lucy Campbell Díaz

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