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How does Neuroplasticity helps with learning disabilities?

Foto del escritor: Ms. Lucy CampbellMs. Lucy Campbell

Actualizado: 17 sept 2019

Neuroplasticity helps the young learner, childhood and young adulthood are the peak periods for brain growth. Recent research has shown us that under the correct circumstances the power of brain plasticity can help adult minds grow.

For example, bilingual kids have more neuro networks working in their brain and more cortical map. Neuroplasticity improve symptoms of autism, ADD and ADHD and other brain challenges. So what is neuroplasticity? It's very simple it´s the ability for the brain to change, it sounds easy, but when we arrive to adulthood change seems to be quite difficult and changing patterns and habits even worse, how can we as Teacher´s apply this simple method without getting into the field of therapy in a any way, in class we can work a challenge of the week for example " In this classroom we are all winners", in this classroom we try our best, In this classroom we share, In this classroom everyone is different and special, I work authenticity and self-esteem also team work and to a long term kids that have problems struggling with negative patterns start to change in a very positive way. Hope these tips are helpful! It's easier to create strong children with less negative learning patterns, adulthood is considered a period of cognitive decline change seems very difficult for our brain to find change, that's why we need professional help, during a therapy with a specialist he/she helps you to re-programmed your brain engages in synaptic pruning, deleting the neural connections that are no longer necessary or useful, to stretching the necessary ones. into a positive turn, but you need to be completely

in agreement with this and committed to work for the change you desire and want for life and for sure results will arrive, it's worth it !

Love and Good!

M. Lucia Campbell Díaz.

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