Ms. Lucy Campbell
- Feb 20, 2022
- 1 min
Interactive Communication on-line.
In LANGUAGE TALK4FUN you will find a creative and dinamic space where you can practice, read, and download fun Art-Worksheets also watch videos in three languages for the purpose of learning and practicing any of the languages. It was a space created by a language Teacher and translator with studies in Communication and Journalism, speciaized in Art Therapy-Coach. I hope you like it, Enjoy a fun space! Ms. Lucy Campbell Díaz :) Editor.
Have you ever wondered why some people are much more artistic than others but cannot make simple calculations? Or why most talented scientists can´t sing in tune? It all dependes on which side of the brain you see more-the left or the right . The left and the right sides of the brain control different physical and mental functions. The left side of the brain controls language and reason. Left brained people are more logical and better at math. The right side of the brain is associated with art and music. People who rely on the right side of their brain are more imaginative and inuitive.
LANGUAGE TALK4FUN! Ofrece artículos sobre temas relevantes en la EDUCACION, ALIMENTACION , SALUD, RECREACIÓN, DIVERSIÓN, DEPORTE ARTE, MÚSICA...Y MUCHO MÁS :) . We are focus on great articles that include tips for activities with your kids or students! Open to suggested articles :)
Desde 1-4, Depuis 1-4, From 1-4
Introducción a la lectura de forma auditiva ya sea por sus Padres el Bebe se acostumbra a escuchar historias/ cuentos y se crea un avance cognitivo y de reconocimiento, podrán imprimir el cuento y bajar su audio así como material adicional.
This course is from children who want to improve vocabulary and conversational English, French or Spanish.
Sumérgete con nosotros
Este es uno de nuestros servicios más populares y te recomendamos inscribirte tan pronto como sea posible ya que los lugares se acaban rápidamente. Si no conoces tu nivel o tienes alguna pregunta, contáctanos.
Aprendizaje práctico
L´art thérapie est un discipline des sciences humaines qui étend le champ de la psycothérapie en y englobant l´expression et la réflexion tant picturale que verbale. Lucy Campbell :) (Art thérapie en Anglais, Espagnol, Francais).
Videos and Documentaries.
El aprendizaje creativo con multiples herramientas y tips de ensenanza nos lleva a facilitar el aprendizaje mediante videos y reportajes de diferentes ambitos y contextos en diferentes sitios